Friday, 15 July 2011

If you know me well, you know that being a teacher has not been kind to me in the health area. Sick, sick, sick always :( Thats the problem with being surrounded by little ones constantly, and even when they are sick, for some reason, the parents always send them to school! Which is never good news for me!

One thing that I do love about being sick, is the way my babe takes care of me! One of my many sick days I was freezing cold, so Mike tucked me into our bed and made me a scarf hat to keep my head warm! And then he continued to take pictures of his creation because it was so cool! ahhaha, it also kept my head very warm! 

I love these pictures! They are too funny, and remind me that I am always being taken care of... not that I really need pictures to remind me because I already know this!

If you have someone that does all these crazy things for you, appreciate it, because I can tell you, not everyone will do this for you! I've got my diamond in the ruff ;)


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