Saturday, 16 July 2011

Lets be real, I chose the Blogger platform to create my blog because the name is cool! Yes its an easy platform to work with and yes it is google, but overall, a cool name. 
Apparently Google has decided to change the name from blogger to Google Blogs.... YUK!! Who wants to blog on something called google blog. Everyone already knows who owns blogger, but do they really need to make their name more apparent. honestly. Its not like P&G products are all called P&G always, P&G Persil.... no their name is hidden in the fine print. I for one think it is ridiculous, and for being one of the biggest enterprises out there already, a name change won't do anything for you. Picasa photo management is also being changed to Google Photos.... GROSS! Picasa sounds so much more elite than google photos. Picasa is fun and imaginative, and google photos is, well, just photos. 

Check it out the link here for more info: Googles rebrand disaster!

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