first lessons of 2012
I know its been a while since I have posted anything... life's been a bit manic, but hey, better busy than boring. Funny I say that because lately I feel like I have so much more time to do nothing, which translates to being bored. But life has taken many turns over the past month and I have had to accept, adapt, and I will die trying. It always seems like bad news or a series of unfortunate events seems to always happen at the same time, and never scattered. Most of you know my other half has left the UK and gone back to the homeland due to the series of unfortunate events, and is trying to make things better. I never realized how much one person can make such a difference in daily life, and sanity. Coming home to an empty flat really is not the ideal. So this next term will be a big challenge for me. Not only is my other half not in the country but work is very busy. Being responsible for a child's ability to learn the basics of life is a stressful feeling. Reading and writing are the steps to success, and its a very hard concept for some. It is also very hard to teach, especially when it seems like it goes right through a person and nothing is soaked in.
Other joyful happenings this past month, AINSLEY has graduated and joined in the 'real world'. Its never been harder to join the real world. Why can't we live in the era where people enjoyed graduating and starting a new adult life. The reality is that we graduate with massive student debt that it will take the next 10 years to pay off. Bullocks.
People are too stressed these days. A (British) man recently told me when we visited Canada what he noticed was that Canadians always work. Thats all they do, two jobs for most people. And sadly, ya, that is exactly what it is. Canadians also don't get 6 weeks of holidays as do many Brits and Europeans. They truly live the life. The carefree life, in some sense. Overall, I am happy I did this, I am happy that I tried living in a different culture, a different part of the world. And only after being away from home I realized how amazing Canada is, and the way we operate makes so much more sense. I've never been prouder to be a Canadian.
So the first lesson I have learned this year is that bad shit always happens, and what can you do but adapt to your new situation. And sometimes the bad stuff opens up windows for good things. The adjustment period is hard, very hard, and I am still in that part. But I am happy to know that I do have people lol. And so very excited to start Craft Night with the ladies! You bet I will be posting the new and fun things we will be making! Watch out!
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