Sunday, 24 April 2011


Its amazing how when you stop and look back on your life, there are SO many memories that have been forgotten. The people in your lives who used to make you laugh and cry are now a distant memory. Its funny, even with todays technology and ways of keeping in touch, we just don't. We forget. We choose to forget I think. Possibly because that was a better time in life, or a time we'd like to go back to. Who knows. Facebook is a great example of seeing people you forget about. People who you might have known since you were 5, or people you met in High School or University. School is a big part of life and so many things happen during that time. 20 years of schooling, thats a lot of memories! Privacy has become a modern invention. When towns were so small everyone knew everyones business. Now as much as we would like to be 'private' on facebook, how can you really ask for that when you put your life out on the world wide web. As it might be a modern thing, its quickly becoming a thing of the past. We throw our thoughts, memories, photos out there for our 'friends' to see. But how many of those 'friends' are people you would actually call up and say, Hey, lets hang out today. 10%. Funny eh?

I wish I could have taken a picture of every person I've ever met in life, I think it would be pretty neat.  Maybe thats what I'll start doing :) In 50 years I wonder who I would still remember and who I will never forget. 

I saw this really neat video somewhere on the world wide web, when I find it I will post it. I can't remember exactly what the phrase was, but it was something along the lines of: BEFORE I DIE I WILL....
and someone painted a chalk wall and wrote this at the top. He made spaces for everyone to fill in what they want to do at the end of their life. It was very interesting and I wish I could share it. 
I want to see the world before my time is up. There is something about travelling that just does me in. There are soo many wonderful and magnificent things to see in this world and I can't wait to see them all. 

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